Ready-Robot Description Write-up

This is a short description of the game we were asked to make for class; it is written as if it was on the game's store page. It is included here instead of on the main page of the game to keep the portfolio consistently formatted and so the most prevalent information is front-and-center instead.

Ready Robot: Planetary Revival Project

Changing the world one friend at a time!

In Ready Robot: Planetary Revival Project, you play as a Reconditioning Eco-Unit X; RE-X for short. You’ve been sent to a strange faraway planet with one mission: befriend the nasty bees occupying the planet’s surface and use their help to save their home world before it dies out! 

Equipped with nothing but your trusty P.R.P. standard-issue “Friendship Lasso” (a standard for all RE-X units), you’ll need to work hard befriending as many bees as possible to aid you in your quest. By drawing circles around angry bees with your lasso, you can lower their rage enough to put them in your bee-pen safe from the other angry bees.
